1. Main Introduction

Collaborative User Interface Design is a program that allows you to acquire work-ready Skills that can be used immediately in real-world situations in Canada. This program is recommended for students who have education or experience related to web design or development and want to expand their reach into a related field and seek employment in Canada.

2. Learning content

  • Learn to design user interfaces, everything in the screen that the user sees
  • Design all visual elements (layouts, icons, etc.) on your PC or smartphone desktop
  • Jobs as a user interface designer, graphic designer, web designer, communication designer, production designer
  • Offers IT Networking & Mentoring Program
  • Prepare for job search activities such as preparing personal resumes and self-introductions for collaborative alumni, interview practice, and portfolio writing

3. Job Location

User interface designer, graphic designer, web designer, communication designer, production designer, interaction designer.

4. Hourly salary

  • Nhà thiết kế phương tiện tương tác: $28,13
  • Graphic Designer: $28.13
  • Media Designer: $28.13
  • Web Designer: $32.21
  • Graphic User Interface (GUI) Designer: $43.27

Source: Service Canada (above amount may differ from actual)

5. Fees

$7,209 USD ~ (dựa trên chương trình 1 năm)

*Chi phí có thể khác nhau tùy thuộc vào trường học, thời gian chương trình  khuyến mãi

và chi phí chính xác có thể được xác nhận thông qua tư vấn.