Group 9135

Exam forms

– The contest will ask entrants to submit a video of their experience or desire to study or settle in Canada.

– These videos will be evaluated based on content, production quality and relevance to the theme of the contest.

– Then the contestants with the best video will be selected to receive prizes, including free travel to Canada and other valuable gifts.


– People who are passionate and interested in studying or settling in Canada to share their experiences and desires about this country- Young people, students, working people or families plan to immigrate to Canada

Enter the contest and get ready to win to be rewarded Free travel to Canada

The Canada Video Award Contest will end at the end of May 2023

Video content

You can freely create new and unconventional content, but make sure your ideas are relevant to Canada, the most livable country in the world. We will suggest you some popular content as follows: a brief introduction of yourself, future orientation, what you like about Canada, your desire to study abroad, settle in the country This,…

Video length

Canada Video Award is a unique video contest that opens the door for cinema and creative lovers to show their love for Canada. With a maximum duration of only 3 minutes, contestants must take advantage of every moment to recreate the beauties, stories and special values of this country. Although the filming time is limited, it is this time that creates a special attraction for the contest, stimulating participants to come up with the most unique and creative ideas to capture Canada's great moments. .

Submit video

After checking carefully and seeing that my video is fine. Please upload to drive, youtube or facebook, instagram or any other social networking site as a post. Then send us the link via the contest website: Here and wait for the results.

Evaluation Criteria

To evaluate the quality of the videos participating in the Canada Video Award, the organizers will use a variety of criteria, including creativity, content, expression and attractiveness. Creative and highly community videos with unique content that celebrate Canada's special values will be more appreciated. Candidates also need to pay attention to the wording, performance style and emotional ability of the video to create empathy and appeal to the audience. Finally, video appeal, as measured by viewership, likes, and shares, will also affect the scores of contest entries.

Increase your chances of being accepted into universities and colleges

If you create a video that meets the requirements of the contest, it can help you apply and be accepted into universities and colleges in Canada or in other countries.

Create more job search opportunities

If your video is selected for an award or is widely shared, it can help you create a personal brand and attract the attention of employers, increasing your chances of being found. job.

Meet and network with industry experts

Participating in competitions is also an opportunity for you to meet and network with experts in your industry. This helps you learn from them and expand your professional relationships.